
Mindset – Nutrition – Movement

Welcome to SlimWithPhil

It’s A life changer!

Many diets just come and go like the weather, most just YOYO – losing weight and regaining it as soon as the diet is over. I offer a totally different perspective all together, Mindset, Nutrition, Movement.

  • Firstly nothing will ever change unless you get your mindset right from day one.
  • Secondly you need to re-educate yourself about good nutrition.
  • Thirdly your mindset towards exercise or movement has to change.

Let’s explore a little….


If you ‘DON’T WANT TO CHANGE‘ your lifestyle, get healthy, fitter, maybe try and reverse Type 2 diabetes, get slimmer, simply to look great, then quite frankly, you never will.

You have to want it, crave it, dream it, but most of all, be prepared to put the effort in to achieve it.

You have to be committed to changing your lifestyle if you are going to achieve your goals, to improve your life, to get better health, to be happier every day. In fact… Without commitment its a total waste of time. So why bother in the first place.

If you can honestly say you are 100% committed to changing, 100% prepared to pay the price of that change, because at times, especially in the beginning, its going to be hard, and sometimes very hard. And let’s face it nothing worthwhile ever comes easy. Then congratulations you have already made the first step in the right direction to the ‘New You’

Mindset - Nutrition - Movement
New mindset – New results

Age, ability, or current medical conditions are important; YES of of course they are, but generally not a barrier to a new lifestyle. Again it’s about prospective and mindset.

I can help anyone who seriously wants to be helped to change their life for the better. And the key phrase there is: ‘Wants to be helped’. There’s no half hearted effort that’s ever going to work. It’s no good starting if you’re reason ‘WHY‘ isn’t big enough to get you through to the finish line. You have to ‘REALLY WANT IT‘ YOU need your One Big Reason


Lifestyle Change, that includes what we eat, how much we eat, and how often we eat.

It’s an educational journey as much as a weight-loss journey. Losing weight is one thing, maintaining that weight-loss is where nutritional education pays big dividends.

The reason so many people, myself included, regain weight after their diet finishes is simply the fact that we never learnt about nutrition and how to really fuel our bodies.

I tried so many diets, time after time I’d lose weight only to regain it within weeks of stopping the diet. Yep even I suffered with YOYO dieting. Why? I never really leant about proper nutrition.

The moment I learnt about nutrition, the right nutrition, I have been able to maintain my weight at the level I want, for years now.

Like 1000’s upon 1000’s of people I’d tried probably every diet under the sun. But once I found The 1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan everything changed.

Mindset - Nutrition - Movement - This Is The One!
This Is The One!


Not only did I lose weight, week after week, I started to learn about how food really works. I learnt about the right foods to eat, when to eat, and more importantly, how much to eat. It was learning good sustainable healthy habits

Starting on the Cambridge Diet, as it was know before it changed to The 1:1 Diet, altered my life. I can now eat whatever I want, whenever I want, and never worry about being over weight ever again. How? Because I learnt about how nutrition really works. I now control my life the way I want to, I don’t worry about food, weight gain, getting fat again, NO!, the Cambridge Diet has taught me so much about nutrition, I can now enjoy life and live it on my terms.

Mindset - Nutrition - Movement - Understanding Nutrition
Understanding Nutrition


I was so impressed by how brilliant the diet really works, I became a Consultant. Mainly so I could help others achieve the results I achieved. Life altering results that could benefit anyone.

A bit like Victor Kiam, (The man who bought Remington products, you know the razor), who said “I liked it so much I bought the company”

Well I didn’t buy the company, but becoming a Consultant to help other people, really works for me! Seeing client after client losing weight, reaching their goal, going on to maintain that weight-loss gives me such a buz.

You however won’t suffer that problem, as I not only help you lose the weight, I will help you learn about nutrition, personalised to your own circumstances and lifestyle. You will learn how to maintain your weightloss for years to come, though the right knowledge about nutrition. Not complicated, just learning about how to prioritise food.

Movement and Exercise
Movement and Exercise


We also need to change our mindset on exercise and get moving on a regular basis.

There’s no need to be at the gym 24/7 either. In fact you don’t even need to go to a gym if that’s not your bag! But move, exercise, yes that’s something you should do everyday.

It can be going for a walk, playing a sport, going dancing, swimming, anything that gets you moving regularly.

If you can incorporate some resistance training, maybe lifting a few weights 2 or 3 times a week, then you’d really reap extra benefits, as the more toned muscle you have, then generally the more calories you burn. Which really helps with weight management and maintaining your weight-loss.

It all revolves around Mindset, Nutrition, Movement, 100% commitment and a dogged determination. Add 121 support from yours truly, your new Lifestyle, the New You, well its there for the taking!

  • So what are you waiting for?
  • Isn’t it time to change?
  • Not sure yet?
  • That’s OK as well.

When you’re ready to change you’ll know. It’s when your ‘WHY’ becomes bigger than the excuses not to. It’s when you’re prepared to do whatever it takes, and nothing will stop you!

So when you reach that point, call me to for a chat about your options, because it’s then that change will happen and you can really start becoming the ‘YOU’ that you really want to be!

Chat soon



Philip Eley – The 1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan – Sunderland

📞 07827447247




#BeMoreEley #TheHouseofEley #CambridgeDiet #One2OneDiet #Weightlosssupport #weightlossjourney #mindset #nutrition #movement